The Lord’s prayer
I have partnered with Daily Gospel Network to air my new series on their TV network. My goal is to take us back to the BIBLICAL foundation, the Biblical reality, to the “HEART-meaning” of God’s Word.
I want to bring a new, deeper reality of just WHO, and WHAT, and HOW your Creator is, and HOW He LONGS and yearns to be with YOU, and for YOU.
I chose to do a 10-part series to share that our heavenly Father really does exist, and He DOES speak and communicate with us, His human family.
Join me as we work through the deeper meanings of the prayer we so often speak, which we know as The Lord’s Prayer, and discover together what Jesus meant in His heart as he taught us these words to pray.
Each episode will be available on Vimeo for 4 weeks, after which I will upload them onto YouTube permanently.
New episodes will air weekly on Sundays
DGN Plus network @ 2pm and DGN TV @ 5 pm EST
(Also available on DGN via Amazon Firestick, Apple TV and Roku)
Replay Links
Episode 1 – introduction
First airing Sunday, Dec. 22, 2024
In this first lesson I want to focus on just the first two words, OUR FATHER.
Episode 2 – heaven
What or where is Heaven? More importantly, what does it mean to you? How would you describe Heaven to someone?
Episode 3 – hallow
How do I REALLY “Hallow” my Heavenly Father’s Name? Does it go deeper than mere words? The answer may surprise you.
Episode 5 – Thy will be done
This one may be one of the most difficult for us humans, ESPECIALLY for those of us who call ourselves Christian, to live out on a daily basis. Find out why.
Episode 6 – on earth/heaven
Just HOW do I become equipped to DO His will here? Is it even my job to ‘equip myself?’
*this page under construction*
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu dignissim tortor, sit amet bibendum lacus.